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NCR VOYIX Corporation


Additional Information

Login to the Customer Portal

Sign into the Customer Portal to access customer information and more.

Developer Portal

Tools for developers.

Financial & Legacy information products

NCR Voyix develops information products in HTML and PDF formats to support both hardware and software product lines.

NCR Voyix at your service

NCR Voyix @ Your Service offers you efficient access to technology support. Information previously only available via phone requests is now available 24 hours a day, seven days a week through our convenient global support site.

Retail and hospitality information products

NCR Voyix develops information products in HTML and PDF formats to support both hardware and software product lines. Follow the links to the financial content site or to the retail and hospitality HTML-based search page. If you have trouble finding retail content, visit the retail legacy content site.

Pay your invoice

Pay your invoice through our online portal.

Talk to an expert

Contact our customer service desk for more information on how to buy or to get support.

Sales & Service

Call: 1-800-CALL-NCR VOYIX (1-800-225-5627) US

Outside the U.S.: 1-937-445-1936

Restaurant Sales: 1-888-679-7147

Retail Sales (New Sales Only): 1-844-240-7256

Government Sales: [email protected]

Service: 1-800-CALL-NCR


NCR Silver or Aloha Cloud Support: 877‑270‑3475

NCR Aloha Support for Small Business:

Texas Region: 844‑263‑0305

West Region: 844‑263‑0298

Northeast Region: 844‑263‑0190

Central Region: 844‑263‑0147

Southeast Region: 844‑249‑9602

Customer Support for Retail Products:

General Retail (Power Warehouse, Counterpoint) software support: 1‑800‑533‑2277

Retail POS (RPOS terminals) software support: 1‑800‑CALL‑NCR

Customer Support for Financial Products:

ATM & ITM Software Support: 1‑800‑262‑7782

Customer Support for Stadium and Venue Products:

Venue Support Team: 1‑800‑454‑8444

Customer Support for Payment Processing:

Payment processing:
[email protected]

Government & Utilities:
[email protected]

Financial Institutions - Partners:
[email protected]

TruRating or Survey information:
[email protected]

Other Contacts

Incident Status Lookup: Click Here
Careers: Click Here
Become a Supplier: Click Here
Investors: 1‑678‑808‑6995
Media: [email protected]

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Thank you!

Thanks for contacting NCR VOYIX! We’re connecting your inquiry to the retail team member best equipped to help you. They will reach out as quickly as possible.


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